Fr. Raimondo Girgis appointed Apostolic Administrator of the Vicariate of Aleppo of the Latins (Syria)

28 Jun 2022

Rinuncia del Vicario Apostolico di Aleppo dei Latini (Siria) e nomina dell’Amministratore Apostolico sede vacante

Il Santo Padre ha accolto la rinuncia al governo pastorale del Vicariato Apostolico di Aleppo dei Latini (Siria) presentata da S.E. Mons. George Abou Khazen O.F.M.

Il Santo Padre ha nominato Amministratore Apostolico sede vacante del Vicariato Apostolico di Aleppo dei Latini (Siria) il P. Raimondo Girgis O.F.M., finora Vicario Generale della medesima circoscrizione.

Bollettino Sala Stampa della Santa Sede


Curriculum Vitae - Fr. Raimondo Girgis OFM

Fr. Raimondo Girgis is a Friar Minor of the Custody of the Holy Land. He was born in Damascus, Syria, on 6 January 1967. He received the Franciscan habit at Santa Maria degli Angeli – Assisi (Italy) on 25 August 1988, from the hands of the then Minister-General, Fr. John Vaughn OFM. He spent the year of his novitiate in Giza in Egypt where, on 29 September 1989, he was able to make the first profession. On 18 October 1992, he made his solemn profession. On 27 December of the same year, he received diaconal ordination and on 23 July 1993, he was ordained a priest, after having completed his theological studies at the Studium Theologicum Jerosolimitanum.

Fr. Raimondo was awarded a degree in Oriental Canon Law  by the Pontifical Oriental Institute in 1997 and a Ph.D. in 2002. He has carried out various services of government and animation as Deputy Minister of the St Paul Region (2013-2016), as Guardian and local Superior and as a formator, of a pastoral nature, in particular as a Parish Priest and he is currently Vicar General of the Apostolic Vicariate of Aleppo of the Latins. He is also a member of the Episcopal Family Commission in Syria. Between 2008 and 2011, he was a member of the Board of Caritas Syria.

Over the past few years, Fr Raymond has also published several books on oriental canon law in Italian and in Arabic.

In Italian he has published his Ph.D. thesis, “I Matrimoni misti nelle situazioni particolari delle Chiese Patriarcali Cattoliche in Siria, Libano, Giordania e Egitto” (“Mixed marriages in the particular situations of the Catholic Patriarchal Churches in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt”) (2002) and in the Collectanea Orientalia (vol. 44, 2011) a juridical study on: "Il Clero coniugato nella legislazione antica delle Chiese orientali" (“Married clergy in the ancient legislation of the Oriental Churches”).

In Arabic he has published “Comment on the matrimonial process” (2008), a comparative study  of 770 pages; “Mixed marriages in the particular situations of the Catholic Patriarchal Churches in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt” with the addition of a section on Latin law (2009), 320 pages; “The flaws of matrimonial consent in the legislation of the Catholic Church" (2011), a comparative study, 650 pages; "Ecclesiastical communion between the Catholic Church and the ancient Oriental Churches and the ecclesiastical communities in the light of Vatical Council II" (2013), 500 pages; “Criminal law in the legislation of the Catholic Church” (2014), a comparative study, 1012 pages; “The administration of ecclesiastical assets according to the law of the Catholic Church” (2018), a comparative study, 710 pages: “The reform of the brief matrimonial process” (2018), a comparative study, 304 pages: two volumes on “Religious life according to Vatican Council II” (2020)1450 pages;  a “Comparative Study of Latin canon law and the canon law of the Oriental Churches” (2020) and “Marriage and Family” in the light of the Apostolic Encyclical “Amoris laetitia” (2022), written in the year dedicated to the Exhortation “Amoris laetitia”.

He has also published a number of articles in different scientific journals in Arabic and in Italia. He has taken part in international conferences on Oriental canon law in Lebanon, Jordan and Iran, presenting a number of studies.

He worked as a judge for five years at the Court of Appeal in the Greek Catholic Church of the Patriarchate in Damascus (from 1998 to 2001) and at the court of Appeal in Aleppo (from 2001 to 2002). In 2018 he was appointed judge in the Court of Appeal of the Syriac Catholic Church. In the same year, he was also appointed a professor of Oriental Canon Law at the La Sagesse University in Lebanon.


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